8 Actions for Better Health and Wellbeing

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Achieving better health is something we all strive for in life, but action is the key to success. Actively, the World Health Organization (WHO) has promoted the health and wellbeing of people around the globe.  

In recognition of World Health Day on April 7, our physicians at Weight Success Centers are supporting the idea of a healthier world with eight actionable ideas for better health.

Ways to Improve Health, Manage Weight, and Thrive

  1. Choose Healthier Foods: A healthy diet helps you improve health and manage weight. Toss out the processed junk foods and start building a nutrient-dense diet based on healthier foods, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins like beans, nuts, and seeds.
  2. Enjoy Exercise Daily: Physical activity helps your body thrive. The action of taking a 20-minute walk each morning could put you on a track for better health. Consult with the physicians at Weight Success Centers™ before advancing to high-intensity workouts, such as cardio or weightlifting.
  3. Sleep 7-9 Hours Nightly: Many people underestimate the value of getting quality sleep. Sleep does more than just equip you with energy for the day. Sleep also supports immunity and overall wellbeing through hours of muscle relaxation, digestive healing, and lowered blood pressure.
  4. Drink Plenty of Water: Clean, fresh, accessible water is essential for people around the world to thrive. For daily hydration, aim to drink at least 0.5 oz. to 1 oz. of water for each pound you weigh.
  5. Get Regular Checkups: Annual physical exams and labs can provide the information you need to improve and maintain your physical health. In addition to screenings like mammograms or prostate exams, it is important to monitor and manage weight, BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
  6. Manage Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight with the actions above will help improve your health and wellbeing.  For support and long-term results, a medically supervised weight-loss program is the best solution.  Ask a weight-loss doctor at Weight Success Centers™ for your customized plan.
  7. Reduce Stress: Managing stress is another way to achieve better health. Meditation exercises to reduce stress may provide neurological benefits and circulatory regulation to control blood pressure. Exercises via a mobile app or a few minutes of deep breathing can bring instant relief.
  8. Support Others: Whether a mother caring for one child, or a community activist – taking action to improve the health of others can also promote world health and help you thrive in your own life.

As with any medical advice, product, supplement, or treatment – results and benefits will vary depending on the individual. Contact one of our Weight Success Centers™ near you for diet planning, nutritional support, medical solutions, and other customized services for sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

Celebrate World Health Day by sharing these and other healthy tips with others. Call Weight Success Centers™ today to schedule a consultation at a location near you.

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